Tech Training

alt=technical divers doing gas drills

Take a look at our 2021 Technical Diving Foundational Training Program Here

Despite being an inland location, the many mountain lakes in the Calgary and Southern Alberta region provide many excellent technical diving and training locations.  Why travel thousands of kilometers when you can complete technical training in your own backyard? Come take a TDI Course with Calgary Scuba!

If you who want to learn how to technical dive, TDI is the leader in technical diving and the largest technical certification agency in the world.  As one of the first agencies to provide training in mixed gas diving and rebreathers, TDI is seen as an innovator of new diving techniques and programs which previously were not available to the general public. Come see us, we’ve got awesome places to go, and amazing things to see.

Take a look at some of our local dive spots:


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A. Hamilton - #9800

Andrew received his first technical diver certification in 2002, became a TDI instructor in 2005, and started teaching with Calgary Scuba in 2019.  He dives and teaches locally, running TDI Intro to Tech, Advanced Nitrox and Decompression Procedures courses for Calgary Scuba.

TDI’s professionals are held to the highest standard to ensure quality training throughout the world.  This means that as a diver taking a TDI course, your instructor will have documented his experience and knowledge prior to achieving that rating.  TDI is committed to offering the highest quality training supported by the latest materials with the most up to date information and techniques.

Welcome to International Training TDI Diver Services. Some of the features available in this section include:

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